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About Us

The FISMA Center provides training and services to assist U.S. federal agencies in compling with the Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA). All U.S. federal departments and agencies must comply with FISMA. Understanding FISMA enables federal agencies to fare better on Inspector General audits.               

Non-governmental organizations that host federal data must also comply with FISMA. If you are a government contractor and you are storing or transmitting government owned data, the system that the data resides on must comply with FISMA. If you are required to comply with FISMA, your contracting officer should have made you aware of that. If your organization is a hosting provider of any kind, whether the system is a traditional on-premise system or a cloud system, the system must comply with FISMA.  

The FISMA Center has been training organizations in how to comply with FISMA longer than any other organization. We can train your staff at our location, or onsite at your location. We look forward to empowering your organization in better understanding how to comply with FISMA so that you can improve your security posture and decrease risk to your systems.

Copyright 2009-2024, FISMA Center | 8115 Maple Lawn Blvd., Suite 350, Fulton, MD, 20759 | Tel: 202-997-0148 | Fax: 855-451-5466 | Legal